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    中國視聽網(wǎng)(www.115759.cn) > 行業(yè)資訊 > 視聽信息(數(shù)字告示) > 三星連續(xù) 14 年引領(lǐng)數(shù)字標(biāo)牌市場(chǎng)
    三星連續(xù) 14 年引領(lǐng)數(shù)字標(biāo)牌市場(chǎng)
    更新:2024-1-29 9:34:50 稿件:中國視聽網(wǎng) 調(diào)整大小:【

    Samsung's role as a digital art platform is exemplified by its collaboration with contemporary artists

    三星電子是數(shù)字標(biāo)牌技術(shù)的先驅(qū),慶祝其作為市場(chǎng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的第 14 個(gè)年頭,保持其在創(chuàng)新前沿的地位,并徹底改變了數(shù)字標(biāo)牌在各個(gè)領(lǐng)域的作用。根據(jù) Fortune Business Insight 的數(shù)據(jù),到 2026 年,數(shù)字標(biāo)牌市場(chǎng)預(yù)計(jì)將超過 350 億美元,三星一直在擴(kuò)大這個(gè)充滿活力的行業(yè)的邊界。


    2023 年,三星繼續(xù)在各個(gè)領(lǐng)域推進(jìn)沉浸感,為采用其技術(shù)的組織創(chuàng)造了全面的體驗(yàn)。從梵蒂岡城的圣彼得廣場(chǎng)等歷史古跡到迪拜的亞特蘭蒂斯皇家酒店等超豪華度假村,三星的高精度 LED 顯示屏和音頻解決方案增強(qiáng)了活動(dòng)效果,并創(chuàng)造了令人驚嘆的環(huán)境。

    一個(gè)值得注意的例子是與威爾士大學(xué)圣大衛(wèi)三一分校的合作,三星的沉浸式房間配備了 18 米的 LED 屏幕,重新定義了學(xué)習(xí)體驗(yàn)。該大學(xué)的沉浸式空間被公認(rèn)為 2023 年 AV 獎(jiǎng)的“年度教育項(xiàng)目”決賽入圍者,展示了三星致力于通過數(shù)字標(biāo)牌突破教育界限的承諾。

    三星對(duì)教育的影響還延伸到德克薩斯州達(dá)拉斯的 Hogg 新技術(shù)中心,那里的 Flip Pro 交互式顯示器促進(jìn)了交互式學(xué)習(xí)和協(xié)作,在 2023 年 EdTech 突破獎(jiǎng)中,三星被公認(rèn)為教育市場(chǎng)最佳整體 IT 解決方案提供商。

    The Wall for Virtual Production 是三星產(chǎn)品陣容的新成員,展示了該公司對(duì)支持電視、電影和創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)創(chuàng)造力的承諾。它允許創(chuàng)意人員使用超大的LED墻,通過實(shí)時(shí)視覺效果技術(shù)創(chuàng)建虛擬內(nèi)容,從而減少制作時(shí)間和成本。

    三星作為數(shù)字藝術(shù)平臺(tái)的角色體現(xiàn)在它與已故樸瑞博和荷蘭裔美國視聽藝術(shù)家 0010×0010 等當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家的合作中。在紐約洛克菲勒中心和泰國曼谷等地舉辦的展覽展示了三星的技術(shù)如何將藝術(shù)帶入生活,重新定義現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)的邊界,并探索數(shù)字世界和物理世界的融合。

    Samsung Electronics, a pioneer in digital signage technology, celebrates its 14th year as the market leader, maintaining its position at the forefront of innovation and revolutionizing the role of digital signage in various sectors. As the digital signage market is projected to exceed $35 billion by 2026 according to Fortune Business Insight, Samsung has consistently expanded the boundaries of this dynamic industry.

    Over the past decade, digital signage has evolved from being a mere advertising display to a powerful platform for personalized information, education, sports, art, and more. Samsung’s Smart Signages have played a pivotal role in this transformation, offering flexibility and versatility that goes beyond traditional technology like whiteboards and projectors.

    In 2023, Samsung continued to advance immersion across various fields, creating a total experience for organizations that adopt its technology. From historic monuments like St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City to ultra-luxury resorts such as Atlantis the Royal in Dubai, Samsung’s high-precision LED displays and audio solutions have enhanced events and created awe-inspiring environments.

    One notable example is the collaboration with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where Samsung’s immersive room equipped with 18 meters of LED screens redefines the learning experience. Recognized as an “Education Project of the Year” Finalist at the AV Awards 2023, the University’s immersive space showcases Samsung’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of education through digital signage.

    Samsung’s impact on education also extends to the Hogg New Tech Center in Dallas, Texas, where the Flip Pro interactive display facilitates interactive learning and collaboration, earning Samsung recognition as the Best Overall IT Solution Provider for the Education Market at the 2023 EdTech Breakthrough Awards.

    The Wall for Virtual Production, a new addition to Samsung’s product lineup, demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting creativity in the TV, film, and creative industries. It allows creatives to use ultra-large LED walls to create virtual content with real-time visual effects technology, reducing production time and costs.

    Samsung’s role as a digital art platform is exemplified by its collaboration with contemporary artists like the late Park Seo-Bo and Dutch-American audiovisual artist 0010×0010. Exhibitions in locations such as New York’s Rockefeller Center and Bangkok, Thailand, showcase how Samsung’s technology brings art to life, redefining the boundaries of modern art and exploring the convergence of the digital and physical worlds.

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